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How it started 

Students are always telling me things. They also often give me notes. I have a lot of students so keeping track of all these things and all these notes can be very difficult. I was keen to streamline a few things in the classroom to give me more time to work on the things I really need to. This is why I made the class communication box. Students can write notes and put them in there.

How I set it up

I made it out of cardboard. It could be anything. The most important thing is that students know what it is for. It is not for things that are urgent (like if someone is hurt). It is for things that it doesn’t matter if I don’t get to it till tomorrow (but I will get to it).

How it is working

So far it is taking the pressure off of me and that is a good thing. I enjoy reading the notes from students. The notes have been very kind and interesting. Each morning I answer the questions and they have been about all kinds of things. “Why do you like being a teacher?” or “Why do we have to learn Maths?” are examples. I love these kinds of questions and I love that students are asking me to answer them.

Jake Heading

Creator of GoodTeach and Primary School Classroom Teacher.

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