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The basics of daily maths reviews

Daily maths reviews are great for students to regularly practise their mathematics skills. They allow students to consolidate their learning each day and ensure they don’t forget what they have learned. It’s hard to deny the benefits and yet many teachers don’t use them.

Why don’t more teachers make use of them?

It takes a lot of time to prepare them and often it takes too much time to teach them. Teachers’ time is limited. There are always so many things that need doing. We often need to be preparing for the main content that we are required to teach and so reviews can seem to take up too much time in preparation and teaching in comparison to new content that needs to be taught.

A potential solution

This website, called ‘Daily Maths Review‘ generates daily math review slides based on the instructional priorities, curriculum content, topics or whatever you want to call it. These can be used to teach explicit/direct instruction style mini-lessons/warmups where students can engage with mathematics skills they have previously learned regularly to solidify their understanding and confidence. Ideally, this will help them develop their number sense, automaticity, numeracy, problem-solving and fluency.

How does it work?

It couldn’t be more simple. Just open up the website, choose what you want to work on and click start. This could be based on data you have collected about what your students know currently and where their gaps are. You could also create a schedule to follow to ensure your students get a well-rounded review cycle. The review will be made immediately and you can teach it straight away so the idea is that you will not have to prepare at all. You can choose from a variety of fonts and you can choose varying question amounts. You can even use a presentation clicker to move through the slides so you can keep your eyes on your students while you teach.

How do I make use of the slides?

You can have students respond chorally, write on a whiteboard, think-pair-share, turn and talk, discuss in groups or any other pedagogical strategy that you would like. It should be quick and obviously, it does not take long to prepare at all. Ideally, this will help students develop their number sense, automaticity, numeracy, problem-solving and fluency.

Why not give it a go?

It’s easy, quick, free and will save you time, so why not give it a go today? I created this app to use in my classroom, but after putting it online I have discovered that I was not alone in wanting this to exist. If you have feature requests or feedback of any kind, I would love to hear from you so please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Jake Heading

Creator of GoodTeach and Primary School Classroom Teacher.

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