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Time to start multiplying

Are you looking for a fun and effective way to master your multiplication skills? Look no further than Multiplication Practice! Our app offers endless random questions to help you improve your maths abilities and become a multiplication whiz.

With Multiplication Practice, you can generate questions that range from simple single-digit equations to more complex problems with multiple digits. The questions are completely randomised, so you’ll never run out of new challenges to tackle.

How to use

Choose how many digits you want, type in your answer and then click check to see if you got it right.


For a bit of fun, I have made a scoring system. See how many answers you can get right. Enter your initials and then click submit score. If you have a high score, it will appear in the list of top scores at the bottom.

Read aloud

If you want, it can read the question to you. Click read and make sure you have your sound up.

Colours and dark mode

For a bit of fun, I have put in some colour options and dark mode so feel free to try that out.

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