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Let’s be honest, it’s fun to buy things for the classroom. I often find myself thinking about the things I could get for my classroom. Some things are aesthetic but most are to help students engage and increase the quality of the learning. Here are some of the things I am thinking about.

1. Circle spots for students to sit on with numbers

My students always seem to manage to bother each other on the floor. I have attempted to make a seating arrangement but it always gets confused when kids are away and they sit too close to each other. These dots give them a specific place to sit and a number to remember which one to sit on. I think they are going to help but we will see!

Dots for student seating arrangement
Purchase here

2. Hourglass sand timer

Students sometimes have trouble keeping track of time. I have not found anything better than a timer on a student’s desk. You can work with them to set small goals and amounts of time to achieve them.

Purchase here

3. Push lights

I used these to make a class volume-level expectation display. It is a great way to show students what is expected in terms of volume.

Class Volume level Expectations push lights GoodTeach
Purchase here

4. Mini projector

I have a million ideas of how to use this but two stick out. One idea is to use it during group times.

Independent small group

I will have a mini class where students who are independent are able to take turns leading and teaching the class.

Schedule Keeper

The other idea is that I could use it as a schedule keeper, so it will always just stay on.

Class Dojo points

Or I could keep it on Class Dojo for recording student points since I always have to switch over and I get distracted doing that.

Purchase here

5. Seconds App for time management

Managing time is very tough. It is tricky to keep track of the time in the classroom. I use the Seconds app to make the schedule available to students and to keep us on track. You can be super specific or very general but it will help you and the students know what is happening at any time.

The app isn’t designed to be used for this, it is actually for fitness. But I have found the custom timer to be very useful for the purpose I have described.

Purchase here
Jake Heading

Creator of GoodTeach and Primary School Classroom Teacher.

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