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Using technology in the classroom is a great way to make your life easier and teaching more effective. Little things that you do with technology can help students to focus and avoid wasted time in class. Here some of the things that I do with technology to make my class run more smoothly.

Overhead camera for documents and more

I utilise an overhead camera to show students what I am doing on paper. I use this for handwriting so I can show them what to do exactly. I have seen a significant improvement in the quality of students’ bookwork while doing this. I have also seen students be less confused about what exactly they are supposed to be doing. It is also great for showing close-ups of Science experiments and working with manipulatives in mathematics. It is also great for reading books to the class, so you can show them the words and the pictures easily! It doesn’t have to be really expensive, you can make a setup with items from Amazon (see below).

Buy Boom ArmBuy Camera

PowerPoint clicker

One of my favourite purchases of all time has been a clicker for PowerPoint presentations so I don’t have to be near my computer. I can walk around the classroom and I feel much more free while teaching. I make PowerPoints with a lot of slides to keep things on track as I go so being able to quickly flick through without having to return to my computer is essential. Mine has lasted me four years so far and is still going strong.

Buy Presentation Clicker

A microphone and speaker setup

I used to have a big classroom where I really needed a microphone for my voice to last. In my current classroom, it is smaller and less echoey, so it is less of a problem. Still, there are days when my voice is stretched, or if I need to talk a lot for whatever reason. On those days, I choose to use a microphone and it makes a huge difference for the health of my vocal cords. This is definitely handy to have.

Buy Microphone

Coloured mood lighting

This is not necessary but it is really nice. When my class is writing, I put a prompt on the board with images, turn on coloured lights and turn off the main lights. I’ll also put on some music with no lyrics. It is a really nice environment to write in and makes the classroom feel like a very calm and inspiring space. They come with a remote and it is fun to let kids choose the colour!

Buy Lights

Speech-to-text on PowerPoint

I’ve been playing around with showing the things I am saying up on the screen. Especially for kids whose first language is not English, I have seen this be a huge help! In PowerPoint, while you are presenting, there is an option for it. It transcribes what you are saying and shows it up on the screen. Kids will be amused at first, but many find it helpful.


Those are a few ideas to get you started. I have used them all and endorse them completely. Let me know what your ideas are in the comments or send me an email through the contact page.

Jake Heading

Creator of GoodTeach and Primary School Classroom Teacher.

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